5) On-chip debug security ID setting area (μPD78F05xxD and 78F05xxDA only) A 10-byte area of 0085H to 008EH and 1085H to 108EH can be used as an on-chip debug security ID setting area. Set the on-chip debug security ID of 10 bytes at 0085H to 008EH when the boot swap is not used and at 0085H to 008EH and 1085H to 108EH when the boot swap is used. For details, see CHAPTER 28 ON-CHIP DEBUG FUNCTION (μPD78F05xxD and 78F05xxDA ONLY). 3.1.2 Memory bank (products whose flash memory is at least 96 KB only) The 16 KB area 8000H to BFFFH is assigned to memory banks 0 to 3 in the μPD78F05x6 and 78F05x6A (x = 2 to 4), and assigned to memory banks 0 to 5 in the μPD78F05x7, 78F05x7A, 78F05x7D and 78F05x7DA (x = 2 to 4). The banks are selected by using a memory bank select register (BANK). For details, see CHAPTER 4 MEMORY BANK SELECT FUNCTION (PRODUCTS WHOSE FLASH MEMORY IS AT LEAST 96 KB ONLY). Cautions 1. Instructions cannot be fetched between different memory banks. 2. Branch and access cannot be directly executed between different memory banks. Execute branch or access between different memory banks via the common area. 3. Allocate interrupt servicing in the common area. 4. An instruction that extends from 7FFFH to 8000H can only be executed in memory bank 0.